What to Expect When Owning A Horse

Have you decided that you want to take the leap and the join millions of others who own a horse? Much like any large animal, horses rank high in the category of responsibility. With improvements in nutrition and health care, horses are living longer, productive lives. It’s not uncommon to find horses living well into their 20s and 30s. With this in mind, are you prepared to offer a life-long commitment to this horse or ensure that it is responsibly cared for should you no longer be able to financially provide for it? Besides the most important question of responsible horse ownership, there are many questions that you must first ask yourself when it comes to choosing the right horse for you or your child:
• What type of horse will best fit your needs?
• Where should I purchase a horse?
• How are the daily needs of the horse going to be met?
• What supplies/equipment will I need to get started?
• What are the expected costs of owning a horse?
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