Horseback Riding in Shorts? Good or Bad Idea

Generally, when people go horseback riding, they wear jeans or riding pants. Wearing jeans or riding pants provides the most comfort and protection when riding. However, some people opt to go horseback riding in shorts during the summertime.
Though shorts aren’t the best thing you can wear while horseback riding, they certainly are not the worst. You want to avoid wearing very long and flowy clothes, that may somehow get tangled up in the saddle. You especially want to avoid wearing excessively long and flowy clothes if you are riding western, since it may get caught in the horn.
Wearing Shorts Riding
Though wearing shorts while riding isn’t considered to necessarily be a bad thing, most people don’t do it. Shorts do not provide the same protection and comfort for your legs as riding pants or jeans do. Some riding barns, especially those that host trail rides, don’t allow their riders to wear shorts while riding.
It is always ideal to wear proper riding apparel while horseback riding. However, there are some situations where wearing shorts horseback riding can be fine.
Wearing Shorts Riding
Though wearing shorts while riding isn’t considered to necessarily be a bad thing, most people don’t do it. Shorts do not provide the same protection and comfort for your legs as riding pants or jeans do. Some riding barns, especially those that host trail rides, don’t allow their riders to wear shorts while riding.
It is always ideal to wear proper riding apparel while horseback riding. However, there are some situations where wearing shorts horseback riding can be fine.
If you are wearing shorts outside while riding, you are also prone to getting bug bites on your legs. Your legs may also get scratched up from branches if you are out riding on a trail. If you fall off while wearing shorts you are more likely to get scrapes and cuts than you would with long pants.
If you don’t have riding pants or jeans to wear, you can also wear leggings and yoga pants. These will provide more grip than shorts and help prevent you from getting sores from the saddle. Leggings and yoga pants also provide flexibility and are comfortable to wear, but you may get some sore spots since they can be made from thin materials.
When it is Alright to Wear Shorts Riding
Some people with experience riding prefer to wear shorts while riding in the summertime since they are cooler than jeans and riding pants. If you are comfortable with the way shorts feel while riding then it is alright to ride in them, as long as the place you are riding at allows it.
Some people also like to ride bareback in shorts, though it can be itchy if you are not using a bareback pad. If you are riding in the ocean or in a body of water, wearing shorts can often be a better choice so you don’t have to ride around in wet pants after leaving the water.
If you decide to wear shorts while horseback riding, you still want to make sure to wear riding boots to protect your feet. If you don’t have riding boots, you want to make sure to at least wear closed-toe shoes with a heel.
Original article: Horseback Riding in Shorts: Horse Back Riding Apparel (
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