2020 Upperville And Loudoun Benefit Shows Postponed

Officials at the Upperville Colt & Horse Show and the Loudoun Benefit Horse Show jointly announced on March 20 that both events, scheduled to be held June 1-7 and June 10-14 respectively; will not be held on their current dates in June due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The event organizers are actively seeking alternative dates for both events in the Fall of 2020. Middleburg Classic and Piedmont Jumper Classic have kindly offered their dates of September 14-20, 2020 for UCHS. UCHS and LBHS have shared expenses, so UCHS and LBHS are looking at two weeks when they can run consecutively during September. UCHS and LBHS will be working with the U.S. Equestrian Federation, other horse show operators, the broader equine community, our local community, sponsors and exhibitors with the hope of putting the shows on during September.
Further updates on the ability to reschedule will be announced as they become available.
“The decision to not hold the show in June by the Upperville Colt & Horse Show and Loudoun Benefit shows was not made lightly, but we do feel that it is in the best interest of our exhibitors, staff, community, and patrons,” commented Joe Fargis, President of the UCHS. “We are extremely fortunate and grateful that the Middleburg Classic and Piedmont Jumper Classic organizers are willing to work with us regarding the use of their 2020 competition dates this fall. These are unique times for the equine community, and we are all going to have to work together as a team to deal with the uncertainty and risks that this pandemic has introduced. We hope to be able to provide further updates in the coming weeks. Our community is supportive and resilient, and we feel confident that both events will survive and thrive.”
Original article: https://www.chronofhorse.com/article/upperville-and-loudoun-benefit-shows-postponed
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